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Personal Message
Your gift to the LSU Rural Life Museum allows schoolchildren, LSU students and faculty, and the Baton Rouge community access to the unique historic collection through tours, experiential learning, interactive demonstrations, and unique research opportunities.
The mission of the LSU Rural Life Museum is to provide and sustain a publicly accessible center for the collection, preservation and interpretation of the material culture, cultural landscapes, and the vernacular architecture of the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi River Valley. The museum focuses on the life ways of the working classes of the 18th and 19th centuries. The museum also provides educational and research resources that advance an understanding of the material and cultural heritage of the regions.
Your gift will support some of our currently prioritized funds. The Whispers of Change Collections Storage Facility will transform collections care at the museum, providing a new climate-controlled space for priceless pieces of Louisiana rural history. The David Floyd Directorship for Museum Excellence, honoring the retired Rural Life Museum Director, allows the museum director discretionary funds to allocate as needed to carry out the collection, preservation, and interpretation of Louisiana history. The Rural Life Museum Research Assistant Fund allows the museum to provide paid internship experience to students interested in working in museums or related fields, preparing the next generation of museum leaders, researchers, and preservationists.