Build Teams that Win Challenge
Every gift to the LSU Foundation will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $2,500 by Rhoman and Jolene Hardy
for the LSU Faculty Research Fund.
Graduates of the Last Decade Challenge
When 200 graduates of the last decade (from the flagship campus in Baton Rouge) have made a gift, an additional $30,000 will be unlocked by Rene and Kay Joyce for the LSU Scholarship Fund.
National Board Challenge
When 100% of LSU’s National Board gives a gift, $5,000 will be unlocked by Roger and Jill Jenkins
for the LSU Scholarship First Agenda Fund.
Social Media Challenge
When 150 people post with #LSUGivingDay25, an additional gift of $5,000 will be unlocked by Suzette and Peter Kent
for the LSU Scholarship First Agenda Fund.